1st day after exams...

i cleaned my messy room, finally. It have been ages i didnt really clean it up....every time my dad come in to my room will complain....hehe.. he will have no space to complain from now.

this is where throw all my drawer stuffs and try to clean it.. lots of rubbish....

all my books and notes is there now....WISH i am not going to use the them for re-sit EXAMS


除了在此祝亲生妈妈母亲节快乐外,还要感谢我另一个情如母子的妈妈--阿姨,她把我看大的妈妈。很可惜, 她在不久前与世长辞,我再也不能孝敬她了,那份恩情那份感激,也只能在 这寥寥的部落格上,倾诉。子欲养而 亲不在这句话,每一个字都刺 进我的心 。
终于忙完了考试,屈指一数,她已离开我 们大约半年了,但我 们并没有把她忘了。往年每一年都 买双份礼物给,今年却.......... 那天回母校看看,更令我想起了很多关于她的一点一滴.
小时候,爸 妈忙于工作,我 们的衣食住行,上学放学,都由您一手包 办。从小学开始,每天我就由您叫醒,吃您为我们准备的爱心早餐,由您那温暖安全的手,牵着上课。您总是背着我们那笨重的书包,一手 牵着我的手,一手撑着雨 伞,为我们遮阳挡雨。而我也只是乖乖地随您 带着,虽然当时还小我知道,跟着您,就是最安全的方向了。有 时,我 还会调皮地撒娇,要您 买雪糕给我吃。
最喜欢和您到药材店买东西了,一踏 进门口,就会不停地扯您的手,要您 买糖果给我。您 对我的宠爱,总让您无法拒绝我的央求。连药材店老板也看得出您对我们的疼爱非姨甥那么简单。事实上,得确,早在我 牵着您的手的某一天里,我心里已暗地里地,告 诉 我自己,长大后不可以辜负阿姨对我们的牺牲,也默默地承 认了您在我心目中另一个妈妈的地位。
因为考试的缘故,母亲节当天不能到您灵前送上祝福,答 应您会尽快到那里看您,希望您能体 谅。
虽然您我已分隔两地,但依然改 变不了您我心里的那一个联系,冲淡您对我们的恩情。我将来的 毕业典礼,婚礼,我肯定您会出席,只是,我 们不能想见,但我一定能感 觉得到。
母亲节快乐,我 们永远爱您!

和您渡过的最后一次生日,没有后悔 为这放弃比赛。

这就是一家人( elder sis wasnt there)

Early bday wish for JOASH

Your b'day is coming, 5 of us had made something for you. although u have left us for months, but u are still our bro, Happy Bday...we miss you brother, take care!

the little head is cut by kai ping

joash pls take note: Vannesa Blue

while waiting for kelvin to write his greetings, me and choon tian was too bored so......


How am i going to memorize all the cases(hundreds or few hundreds..i wonder...) the most killing subject is waiting for me........ ignore the text book, look at the notes is sufficient for me to...................COMMIT SUICIDE!!!
I wonder how is MS KATH can put the ACT, SECTIONS and CASES just on the mouth.....

Maybe i should be NO STRESS....because...EXAMS (should be) NOTHING TO ME!!!

3/5 done!

half flying in the room......finished 3 subjects...theoretically still got 2 more to go .... but actually only one more practically...GOGOGOGO, i am going to fly outside the room in the sky after all the EXAMSSSSSS

where is the freedom of mine ? i am looking for it...:(

Dad's Birthday 09

Have been a long time didn't see mum smile and laught so happily. Last year was the worse year for our family, since my aunty passed away and matters happened my mum didn't really smile before.

Today, i know my choice to retrogress is correct, at least i saw happiness from my mum... others i can just leave it first.........